Friday, December 7, 2012

  Hey guys!   I have been working on my fitness and overall health, and I want you to come along for the ride and hold me accountable!  anyhow, this is me, as of last week.  I will have a couple of full-body shots for you tomorrow.  I am currently at 267lbs, and my target weight is 180lbs. :D

  So far, I have been running for half an hour a day, but as of this morning, my treadmill has developed an attitude and has decided that the belt needs adjusted.  In the middle of my workout.  While I was at a dead run.  a couple of bruises and scrapes later, I found myself finishing my workout with dancing instead of running.  All things considered, it was a great workout.  

  When I talked to my doctor about working out, he said typically it was unhealthy to lose more than 1 lb a week.  however, since I was previously partaking of a rather high-calorie diet, he wasn't surprised that dropping to a 1,700 calorie diet and running caused me to lose 5 this week. XD

  On an unrelated topic, what do you guys think of unnatural hair colors?  like purple, blue, pink, green, etc.?  cool, weird, irrelevant?  What do you think of the fashion forecast for this winter?  It seems the general idea is Monochromatic, focusing on texture or pattern, with neutrals and mute tones being at the forefront.  Firs, skins, leathers and sheers are popular again this season, too, though I am confused as to how something that is mesh from head to toe except a few lacy pieces over your girly bits is considered clothes at all.  3 designers I am personally going to keep an eye out for are Ann Demeulemeester, Belle Sauvage, and Creatures of the Wind.  Each is different from the others, and all are equally talented and interesting to me. :D

Alright, that's all for tonight.  Hope you are all having a great week!  leave comments! :D

Friday, October 15, 2010

  my depiction of Cara.  not quite accurate, but it has her curly hair, baby blue eyes and the infamous "Cara lip."

latest drawings.

 Niwa-Kun D.N. Angel
  Dark Mousy D.N. Angel
  With D.N. Angel
  Riku D.N. Angel

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I hate it when ppl do directly the opposite of what they say they will.  ya know?  like, I asked my mom to stay out of my room and not touch anything....she agreed.....what does she do?  she goes into my room and takes stuff.  like, what the heck???  what's she going to do with 8 sets of stage makeup?  she says I don't need to have it.  WTH??? I bought it with my own money.  I'm entitled to have what I want.  I'm an adult.  like, she goes digging through my stuff looking for things she doesn't approve of and simply removes them from my room.  So naturally, I react by doing the same thing to her.  What happens?  I get slapped and "grounded".  Does that seem fair?  NOT AT ALL!!!!  Ugh.  welcome to my life.